One of my most popular articles is the one where I teach how to make a button in Aframe, so I thought I would make one for unity. The first thing you want to do is make two cubes and position and scale them in such a way that they look like this: We also…
The Complete Guide To Animating Hands In Unity With SteamVR
By popular request, there is a new tutorial that uses blend states instead of animation states that you can find here. For this tutorial you are going to need your own hand model, I’m sorry but you don’t want mine: You can make it in blender or any other 3D cad software you like, I…
Getting Started With Unreal Engine For VR
Welcome to the complete guide to starting out your journey with Unreal Engine. In this article, we are going to go through everything on the list below. Table Of Contents Quick start guide Creating a VR pawn Adding motion controllers Getting input Quick start So you probably want to get a quick demo up and…
Server Commuinication-Aframe Game Tutorial:2
In our last tutorial, we set up our node js server. In this tutorial, we build on it and learn how to send messages to and from our server, for this we are using node js and socket IO. The first thing we want to do is install, we do this using our computer’s…
Setting up and Testing AFrame With Node JS
So a big struggle for me and many others is when programming with AFrame you cant load assets from your computer, stuff like images or 3d models. You can only get assets if they are hosted on a website. While this is easily fixed by developing on Git-Hub, Glitch, Nocities, or Surge, (All recommended by…
How to make a VR red dot gun sight in unity
So you want to make a VR shooter and you realized that generic gun sights don’t work that well in VR. The red dot sight is much better for VR since it is a lot easier to use especially if you are like me an have a Windows MR headset where you sometimes have to deal with twitchy…
How To Set Up Unity For Mixed Reality Development
So you not only want to escape reality, you want to make your own reality. I know how you feel. To get started you are going to need the latest version of unity found here, and the Mixed Reality Toolkit by Microsoft found here. Now you can also make Hollow lens experiences with this toolkit…
How to use a camera’s output as a texture in AFrame
Here is a quick example so you can see what I mean: ^you can move with wasd^ loosely based on this example here. Code here: <script src=””></script> <script> AFRAME.registerComponent(‘spectator’,{ ‘schema’: { canvas: { type: ‘string’,…
How to get input from VR controllers in Aframe
Hi everyone, just putting out a quick article on this because I could not find anything on how to use the joystick or touchpad on my Windows Mixed Reality controllers, so I thought I would just show you how I did It. And just a quick disclaimer that this should work for Oculus Rift and…
Deep Dive: The Basics of How To Use Aframe Entities
The <a-entity> tag is the basic building block of Aframe, therefore it is important to understand how it works. The <a-entity> tag (can I just say entity?) is what you are going to use to put anything into your scene, from the basic cube all the way to a cursor. The first thing we want…