How To Use The Downloads Page

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Welcome to the guide on using the stuff you download off the downloads page, and how to troubleshoot the problems you might have. For this, we are going to use the Walking Script since it’s the only one currently with an example scene.

First, we go to the downloads scene and download it. This downloads a .unitypackage file. Next, let’s make a new Unity project and import it into it. We import it by going to the top menu assets -> import package -> custom package. After that open, the sample scene included in the package and you should see something like this:

Now even though its throwing errors everywhere and just looking completely broken in general, It’s not. Any of my scrips that use SteamVR input are going to require you to download Steam VR on your own. The reason I did this is so that you can just download them to an existing project with SteamVR already in it. After we install SteamVR It should look a lot better:

We should now only have around 61 errors. These last “few” are caused by our un-generated SteamVR bindings. To fix them we need to go and generate the bindings. From the top menu click Window->SteamVR Input. It should open a pop up that looks like this:

Click yes, after that you should see this:

This window is very important as It’s how we set up input from our VR controllers, I suggest docking it somewhere you can get to it easily. I like putting it here:

Anyway, after that click the save and generate button. This should banish all the remaining errors. But we still aren’t done yet, we still need Inputs for our walking script to use. (I have a tutorial on SteamVR bindings here you can check out for more depth.) We need to create two bindings: a boolean and a Vector2. Name the boolean jump and bind it too whatever button you want to use for jumping. Name the Vector2 something like MovementDirection (it doesn’t really matter) and bind it to a touchpad or thumbstick. After setting up you bindings make sure to save and generate them.

Now the most common complaint I get is that that the touchpad/thumbstick doesn’t work or that they can’t move. Most of the time (always without fail) the problem is that they didn’t set their steam VR bindings. So if you have issues the first place to check is the bindings menu.

The last thing to do is click on the [CameraRig] and in the Movement script set the SteamVR action variables to the bindings we just made:

After this, it should work perfectly. Hopefully, this helps, the same process of install SteamVR then generate bindings should work for any of the scripts on the downloads page. To know what bindings you need to make, just check out the tutorial for whatever you’re downloading. If you have any questions, put them in the comments below and I’ll try to help.

That’s all for this one, I wish you good downloading!

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