As you may know I write most of my tutorials on how to create physics based VR interaction systems, and to do that I almost exclusively use the configurable joint. For the most part I had to learn all of this on my own through trial and error and searching through forum posts, as tutorials…
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Making Half-Life Alyx Physics Hands In Unity
With the recent release of our first looks at half-life Alyx I thought it would be a good time to ride those search terms and give you a tutorial on how to do physics-based hands. Now, this is different from my previous tutorial on physics interactions as that code didn’t let the hand collide with…
Quick Tip: Manually Controlling The VR Camera In Unity SteamVR
Hey everyone I just wanted to show off a new mechanic I made and tell you how to make it: As you can probably tell from the title the mechanic was inspired by IG-11, (or IG-88 for older star wars fans) Those familiar with either of these droids are familiar with their ability to simultaneously…
How To Rig An Interactible In SteamVR For a Boneworks like experience.
I should have made this one a while ago, the Interaction system that I’ve been making and teaching tutorials on makes heavy use of GrabPoint, but I never really explained how to set it up. So let’s do that. For this one, we are going to be rigging this premade gun asset, (You might have…
Making Dynamic VR Interaction Using Grip Points
These tutorials have only been becoming more complicated. With the recent release of Boneworks I’ve been inspired to add some features to my interaction system that I’ve been thinking about adding for a while. Mainly Dynamic gripping of poles and rotation activated grip points. The problem with this was that I had to rework my…
Prototyping Multiplayer Unity SteamVR Games On A Single PC Using Mirror
Unless you have a second computer or friends that have nothing to do with their lives except help you prototype your game, you’ve probably run into this scenario: You code a multiplayer SteamVR game, build it so that you can test it, and start the build. Then as soon as you start a second instance…
Unity Multiplayer Using Mirror (with Rigidbodies)
(code and test scene available on the Downloads page for Patrons) In the modern age of gaming, multiplayer is almost a requirement for any game. As good as your gameplay loop or story is people will eventually get bored if there isn’t ever anything new to experience. That’s why BRs got so popular, endless new…
How To Make A VR Grappling Gun For SteamVR
Those who have read some of my tutorials might know that I am a fan of the Titanfall universe. And those that have played apex or titanfall2 know how good their grappling hooks feel and it’s probably my favorite mechanic, besides wall-running of course. And legal wallhacks. But I digress, let’s get to swinging through…
How To Use The Downloads Page
If you are reading this, you are most likely a patron. Thank you! Welcome to the guide on using the stuff you download off the downloads page, and how to troubleshoot the problems you might have. For this, we are going to use the Walking Script since it’s the only one currently with an example…
Custom VR hand Animations Using blend shapes for SteamVR
My other hand Animation Tutorial is important to me since it was my first tutorial, It has also consistently been one of my most popular tutorials. Though everyone always says that I should have used blend states instead of animation states. While I think that animation states work better, I decided I’d give people what…