What is the metaverse? This is a question that everyone seems to be asking right now. With Meta, making a huge push towards this “Metaverse” the question is only going to become more common. Here is my take, from someone who has been in the VR industry for 4+ years and is actively working on…
I’ve Started Streaming While Coding
Hey everyone, as the title states, I’ve started streaming while coding. What this means is that if you want you can come on over to my twitch and hang out as I work on my personal projects such as BraneEngine. I’m not cosistant with it yet but I plan on getting my act together soon.…
Using Native C++ in Unity
I’ve been using a lot of C++ for stuff recently, and that got me thinking, can I use c++ in Unity? First off why would we want to do this? The obvious first answer is speed. Due to C# being an interpreted langue c++ is inherently faster. Of course, there are things like JIT that…
BraneEngine Update 1
Hi everyone, a few months ago I posted the announcement that I’m working on a metaverse engine, this article is to explain the current state/progress of the engine. I don’t want the (currently nonexistent) hype train for the project to exceed what’s actually going to happen so I am to be completely transparent in these…
I’m Building a Metaverse Engine
Hey everyone, this is a general update on the website and where I (WireWhiz) am going. The blog has been silent for a while, and that is for a good reason, for one I started college and I was hired by Megadodo as their lead game dev (Only game dev atm but the fancy title…
Unity Quaternions For Dummies
Hey everyone, sorry that it’s been a while. Work has been keeping me a little busy. Anyway I’ve been using a lot of Quaternions recently and as I know it’s something that a lot of people struggle with I thought I would do a quick post with some of the tips and tricks I’ve picked…
Walkthrough Of Unity Articulation Bodies
Setting Up A “Simple” Networked VR Scene With Unity Netcode And DOTS
Hello and welcome to the new first tutorial in the OpenFall series, the reason that I am making a new one is that before I was not taking into account future networking needs and it turns out that you need to build it from the ground up for Netcode, I’m keeping the old ones around…
Deep Dive Into The Unity Netcode Cube Example
Hey everyone, In my attempts to learn the new unity Netcode system I have wished that there was more explanation on what all the code in the getting started section actually did. So that’s what I am going to do here, go line by line through the code in the getting started section of the…
Creating A Unity ECS Character Controller
Welcome to part two in the OpenFall series, In this one as the name suggests, we are going to create an ECS version of the default unity character controller for our player. This series is for VR but if you clicked on this article expecting a non-VR solution have no fear, we are going to…