How To Change The Default SteamVR Skeleton Pose Editor Hand

This Is going to be a short one this time since changing the editor hand is simpler then you might think.


All that you need to do is modify the prefabs that the SteamVR_Skeleton_Poser script uses to preview your hand poses. The prefabs are found in the Assets/SteamVR/Prefabs folder. The ones you are looking for are vr_glove_left_model_slim and vr_glove_right_model_slim. Next we open the prefabs and replace the mesh and skeleton with our own. I did this by dragging in my respective working hand prefab, unpacking it, dragging the root bone of my prefab so it was in the same place as the default one and then I deleted the default root bone, I then followed the same steps for the mesh rendering component. Now all that’s left is to update the SteamVR_Behavior_Script in the root of the model. Set the root value of the script to the newly placed root and you are done. Repeat for the other hand. Note that the left hand model is just the right hand model flipped on the x-axis and set to mirrored in the skeleton settings. Now we can test if it works! Go to one of your poser scripts and check to see if the hand model changed, this may require turing the preview off and then on to refresh the prefab.

I really hope that helped! If it did, leave me a comment and share because I know a lot of people want to be able to do this. If it didn’t work, still leave a comment because I see all of them and I will try to help.

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