We now have rendering in the editor my friends! After an entire week of refactoring the graphics backend, one of the most important features of the engine is fully functional. It could have been done faster if I just set up clipping plains on a hardcoded render pass, but I wanted to fully refactor everything since I knew that if I wanted to support stuff like multiple cameras and render textures I would have to do it eventually. And it’s much easier if I do it now instead of waiting. So the render window is rendered onto a separate texture that is then displayed by ImGui. Adding in this functionality allows for things like mirrors in the future, a very important aspect of any social VR game, it would also allow for ImGui stuff in VR, but I feel like it would be better to come up with custom UI stuff so in-game UI can actually look nice.

We also have all the assets in folders loading in, I need to come up with a better way of grouping submeshes extracted from gltf files than just dropping 70 into a single folder. Maybe automatically grouping them into a folder, or “asset packs” or something. I’ll figure it out when I get to refactoring/adding in the uploading system.

Over the next week, I’m going to work on adding in camera controls, which should be trivial since I’ve already put in some, just not using the mouse or keyboard.
I’m also going to start working on adding in asset management tools like uploading, deleting, moving to different files, and so on. Then after that’s all added I’ll decide on how I want editing to work. It will probably be similar to Unity’s system where you can focus on either one prefab or a scene, where you’ll be able to look at all the chunks in a scene, individual chunks, and assemblies. Then within them edit the individual assets when you select them.
It’s also around the one-year anniversary of the project so I’m working on a video to commemorate this glorious event. I’ve been getting practice working on videos for my job, and we’ve bought a mic since the last one so it’s going to be good.
And with this I’ll leave off on a shitpost: