Brane Engine Weekly Update #4

Hello everyone, there are pictures this time! This week’s big update is: Things will start happening again. I’ve finished the lion’s share of the reactors I wanted to do to the stuff I’ve already built so visible progress will be made once again.

First off, due to the reactors mentioned in the last update and some refactors I’ve done to the database code, making calls to the server has become incredibly easy. One particular addition I’m very proud of is a template class I made that handles all the API calls for SQLite prepared statements, which makes that incredibly easy to do.

But the result of all this is that I can start working on creating a custom editor build instead of the Web App route that I was going before. (And let me tell you, ImGui is so much nicer than React)

I want to make sure to be taking security into account from the beginning so the first thing I did was port the login code from the web app over to the editor build and then refactor/add the related networking and database code, giving us this login screen:

Upon a successful login, we are taken to the actual editor itself, which for the moment is just a bunch of placeholders inspired by unity, though it will probably change to suit the unique features of the engine in the future as I figure out what we need:

If you’re following my updates in the discord you will have already seen all of this, (except for the fancy green theme) but there is something new to show off. After getting the logins working I moved on to getting an asset browser working, as that’s where the majority of the functionality that I’m going to need to refactor lies. The server has had support for sorting assets into folders for a while so I also decided to get around to fully implementing that. Leaving us with this result:

I haven’t added in the code to actually display what’s in folders yet, (since I literally just coded all of this today and I want to get this update out before it gets too late) so for now, all we have is some placeholder text. But the folders are being grabbed from the server so this is real functionality that you’re seeing.

Over the next few weeks, I hope to be able to move all the functionality that I had in the web app over to the new Editor build. I also want to refactor the graphics system to be able to handle more than just the main render target, allowing us to have a 3D preview within an editor window.

And don’t worry I will eventually get around to changing the default font of the engine and fixing the spots where colors don’t contrast too much. Eventually…

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