The VR multiverse engine. Inspired by string theory, it is the brane upon which the VR multiverse will be built.
The Goal
A creator-centered VR multiverse that allows creators to focus more on what they’re creating without worrying about the limitations of the technology.
I plan on having an extremely early build available for download on this page in late 2022, unfortunately, irl death mechanics will most likely not be included.
The status
First Git commit: 2021/6/17
Lines of code as of 2022/10/10: 25,150
Click here to see a full list of weekly updates,
The plan
- Asset upload, storage, and transfer networking
- scene loading system
- 2D level graphics
- simple scripting jit, possibly with a temporary external editor
- basic multiplayer networking
- rudimentary sound
- demo multiplayer game (Pong?)
- add rollback networking
- improve jit scripting
- demo multiplayer game with rollback
- upgrade sound for 3D
- upgrade graphics to 3D
- improve jit scripting
- demo multiplayer fps game
- add VR
- demo VR chatroom
- add in-game scripting and world editing
- create a plugin library that allows external c++ and python scripts to affect in-game player scripts (Would allow for things like custom devices to be added)
Following and supporting the project
The best way to follow the project would be to join my discord, as that’s where I most often give updates. You could also follow my Twitter @TheWireWhiz. If you want to get a sneak peek at the code I occasionally stream myself coding on my youtube channel.
The best way to support the project would be on my Patreon, it would be highly appreciated because if I can get it up to a few hundred I’d be able to drop a few jobs and spend much more time on the engine.